Anita Johnson
My story
“I want to use my own horrendous experience to help others.”
My own experience of the family law courts began 20 years ago when I found myself in the middle of a very acrimonious divorce. I was a new mum with two small children and thrown into a world totally unknown to me. I was scared, lonely and desperate going from solicitor to solicitor ending up paying a vast amount of money for a poor result (over £80,000 in fact). After ongoing disputes, further court hearings and without the funds to challenge my ex-husband post decree absolute, I had no other choice but to represent myself. I became a Litigant in Person. That was my journey into the legal system.
Today I am better, not bitter, just thankful for the lessons those horrific years taught me. I want to use my experience to help others, men and women, who are in the same vulnerable position. At CourtTogether we not only advise those who find themselves battling the monster of divorce and custodial matters. We know the panic, the fear, and the loneliness it entails. We are here are to explain, make you understand and better prepare you for what lies ahead.
With the help of carefully selected barristers, mediators and financial advisers, we have helped numerous private clients navigate their case through the complex and daunting maze of the UK’s Family Law legal system.
With us you are not alone. We do it together. We find a better way. Divorce coaching has become an integral part of what we deliver so you can feel whole again. There is a new life after divorce. We see it as our duty to ensure you come out of it as a better version of yourself so you can move on and learn how to live a happier life. Bitter is not an option; you are a survivor.
Do get in touch, just talking to someone who understands your situation can really help.
Call us free on 0800 4480907 – someone’s usually available until 8pm, 7 days a week.
I can guarantee you’ll be in good hands.
Anita Johnson,
Founder CourtTogether
Court Family Law
When a family separates, one of the most important things to do is to go to court to settle issues between the parties. Court family law also has authority over legal relationship matters like, divorce, annulment, adoption, alimony, emancipation, paternity, modification of title, domestic and repeat abuse, child support and judgments. In some cases, such as when a person is fighting for custody of their child or fighting over property that belongs to the deceased parents, they will need to hire a specialist who has experience in court family law.Family Courts London
Family courts London are an essential place to go for any family dispute/s that arise. To get the most out of family courts London, you need to be aware of your rights as well as what the court is looking for in any given situation. If you live in London, it is important that you find a family law specialist as soon as possible as the family courts London are notorious for their delays. There are many excellent family law practitioners in London that can help with almost any family law matter that you may require. Most family courts London accept no fees arrangements, but it is still worth bearing in mind that if you require legal representation then this could eat into your financial resources.Court Costs Family Law
If you have a family law case to resolve, you will probably want to know if there are ways to lower your costs. You should be aware that there are many ways to reduce the cost of your divorce and there are even ways to avoid paying court costs altogether. We will reduce your court costs family law significantly.Family Law In The UK
Family law in the UK covers the regions of England and Wales. It covers two forms of relationships: MARRIAGE involving people of the same sex and opposite genders; along with the civil partnership that is accessible to same gender and unmarried couples. In a marriage there is a commitment of two people to live as a married couple for the rest of their lives, irrespective of gender or their sexual orientation. For opposite genders, it involves a relationship where both individuals have respect, love, affection, trust, honesty and regard for one another. This is a very brief description of family law in the UK.Family Law Help
Family law can be very confusing, particularly if you’re about to go through a divorce or some other major life changing event. There is a lot to take care of and it's always a good idea to consult a specialist before moving forward with a divorce to get expert family law help. UK family law can seem overwhelming with so many important decisions to make; family law can even have a high cost when it comes to hiring a good lawyer. Fortunately, there are some resources out there to help you find more affordable ways in securing good family law help. Just be sure the specialist you choose covers the areas of expertise that will be essential to you and your children wellbeing in the coming years.McKenzie Friend
Family Legal Help
Get in touch
Personal services crafted specifically for you
It is extremely important that you understand what to include in court documents such as witness and position statements or how to build your skeleton arguments.
Divorce does not merely end a marriage, there is some serious collateral damage. It also affects your children, your personal well-being, your finances, your friendships and so on.
Some reasons why you should choose to work with us
#1 Personal Experience
We have been in your shoes.
#2 Professional Knowledge
We are experienced with the Family Courts system.
#3 More Cost Effective
Talking with us cost less and we give you more time.
#4 Moral Support & Coaching
We offer a service that suits you. If you are in crisis and need to talk, we are ready to listen.
#5 Effective Case Papers Support
We show you how to draft your documents as well as understand the legal jargon.
#6 Strategic Planning & Case Management
We turn your emotions into objective strategies with manageable timelines.